Frequently Asked Questions

What is EITI?

The EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initative) is an international standard for openness around the management of revenues from natural resources. Governments disclose how much they receive from extractive companies operating in their country and these companies disclose how much they pay. Governments sign-up to implement the EITI Standard and must meet seven requirements.

What is the EITI Standard?

The EITI Standard is the requirements that countries must comply with once they have agreed to implement the EITI.

What is PNGEITI?

The PNG Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PNGEITI), was approved by the Government of PNG (GoPNG) through NEC Decision No. 90/2013, promoting revenue transparency and accountability in the country’s mining and petroleum sectors. GoPNG fully supports the EITI global standard and, in collaboration with CSOs and industry established the PNGEITI multi-stakeholder group on the 1st of November 2013.

What is PNGMSG?

PNGMSG stands for PNG Multi-Stakeholders Group. PNGMSG is the primary body responsible to oversee and coordinate the successful and effective implementation of the global EITI standards in PNG. The body will provide and establish a framework to promote collaboration and consensus building in implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in PNG accordingly.

Who represents PNGMSG?

The PNGMSG consists of the following representatives from the following sectors: Government of PNG (GoPNG) Civil Society (CS) Mining and Petroleum Companies involved in Extractive Industries (EI)


Papua New Guinea adopted the EITI Standard and multi-stakeholder approach .


Papua New Guinea Governments, Industry companies and civil society ensure transparency by publishing data.


We ensure there is Trusted, relevant data available to informs public debate and policy decisions.